Thursday, 16 January 2025

Sea Pictures from Dover.

Sailing Ships just off Dover: Europa above and De Gallant below...

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Post 2868
  Sea News, Dover

Never a dull moment around here. The HM Coastguard guys came slowly slowly inching by the rear window of yours trulys observation tower at approximately 5pm last night/evening...just as it was getting dark. It was quite thrilling to see them...I dunno no more than 100 ft away with all lights blazing and almost just hanging there. The light was fading fast so just as well they were barely moving forward from a camera point of managed to get these two pictures and gave the guys looking back at me looking back at them...the thumbsup!

The guys above were clearly searching for something or somebody so hopefully all was well at the end of the day.

Below...about an hour earlier than the helicopter...Trinity House vessel Alert came into view from the west. She hit a bit of rough weather as she approached the harbour. It had been tranquil all day but around about 4pm or 1600 hours the wind picked up and the sea got a tad rough....and here we are...

The Malo Seaways pictures will follow soon...

Saturday, 20 February 2016 - 06:19
Post 2867
  vic matcham, Dover
Yes that is the one thank you for your feed back.

Friday, 19 February 2016 - 15:14
Post 2866
  Sea News, Dover

Hi Vic, the vessel you saw was the one above. Its a long range fishing boat called the Cornelis Vrolijk and it comes into Port periodically...presumably for a change of crew or indeed possibly to pick up supplies. I was out and about today so didn't get a chance for a picture today...but here is one from the previous visit. As I say she comes in here from time to time. Hope you enjoyed your walk along the seafront on a glorious day.

Thanks a million Kevin...its an excellent picture below. Like it for sure...good to see all the big players working together. Great stuff!Smiley


Friday, 19 February 2016 - 14:54
Post 2865
  VIc Matcham, Dover
As we was walking along the front this morning a working ship came in,it was a bout 1015 hrs and it went over to the western end of the port ,but I could not make out what kind of ship it was or what it was going to do over there if any of you was taking photos at that time down there maybe you can tell us what ship it was and what work it was going to do .
I have not seen it before it looked like a big fishing boat but I do not think it was one.

Friday, 19 February 2016 - 12:37
Post 2864
  Kevin Charles, Dover
I can't claim credit as the photographer but you're welcome to use it, Paul. Second from right is Clive Lynton from the developers, Bond City. I think everyone agrees it's good to see the building finally gone!

Friday, 19 February 2016 - 08:02
Post 2863
  Sea News, Dover
STANDING ON THE RUBBLE: Some of Dover's main players in the picture above there. Enjoying the moment when the ghastly Burlington House finally bit the more ways than one. And wow ..are we all glad to see it gone. Its not my picture above but it has been circulating in press release fashion so hope its okay to use. It may be by our ol friend Kevin Charles. Ace picture.

It shows from left to right.... Charlie Elphicke MP, Nigel Collor top district councillor, Tim Ingleton leading DDC player, Pauli Watkins, leader of Dover District Council, then a chap not familiar(just added: Clive Lynton Bond City), and finally Timmi Waggott himself, Port supremo. Reminds me of the days when yours truly used to go round photographing these guys on a regular basis.

Below the death throes of Burlington...the last days.

Below we have a couple of tail end charlies...yes its the last couple of the weird but wonderful Osprey. More pix below.

Thanks for that info Mike as ever. Have a couple of nice unused pictures of the Malo Seaways so will get them up next as a final tribute.

Yes Colette it does look something like a drone particularly in the long shot...the Dover Express are saying that its a £50 Million pound there we are.

Friday, 19 February 2016 - 07:43
Post 2862
  Mike J., Dover
Superb Osprey pix, well done !

MALO SEAWAYS has finished & is in drydock in Dunkerque & will be handed back to Stena Line.

COTE DES FLANDRES is expected to make her first Dover visit at the beginning of next week.

Thursday, 18 February 2016 - 22:43
Post 2861
  ColetteB, Dover
Oh! What a Whopper! Terrific action shots there of the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey in the Port of Dover, it looks like an advanced mature version of a Drone Smiley

I saw a lot of very impressive American Military Aircraft when I stayed on the American Airbase in Mildenhall Suffolk some years back now, although termed as an RAF base (like some others), it was under the control of the US AirForce. Mildenhall was one of the biggest with 3200 Military Personnel. I think it closed circa January 2015 after approximately 65 years and I believe it is currently up for sale Smiley

Thursday, 18 February 2016 - 18:26
Post 2860
  Sea News, Dover
As we are with pictures of the aforementioned and intriguing flying machine, the Osprey.
Circulating over the Port of Dover yesterday.

Is it a bird..
Is it a...
oh no I've done that bit !
PS: If anyone wants to search for it on the wider web its the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey - an American military aircraft.

Thursday, 18 February 2016 - 15:00
Post 2859
  Sea News, Dover
Passing by at the same time as the Sand Falcon further below was this strange beast. She is called the Skandi offshore support vessel for the oil industry we understand. This picture however is much more long range...she was much further out in the channel than the Sand Falcon and of course heading south. The visibility was good for very long range pix on Tuesday but with just a bit of a heat shimmer. That of course is the coast of France behind with Cap Gris Nez in view.

As mentioned in the post below - we will have some pix of the Osprey later.

Thursday, 18 February 2016 - 08:07
Post 2858
  Sea News, Dover
The suction dredger Sand Falcon passed by close to shore on Tuesday afternoon in nice bright weather. I remember we featured the Sand Fulmar previously...its sure to be in our search engine above, so here we are with Sand Falcon pictured above and below on a lovely day. In the foreground of the picture below we have the ever hard working Coral Water which services the ferries in the harbour every day.

The pic below shows the Esmeralda. I couldn't get a recent picture so Ed's shot previously was vital...but here she is from a previous time. I thought there must be plenty of pictures of Esmeralda in the files as I remember doing that lame joke very often..."The Bells The Bells"..we have Victor Hugo turning over in his grave, but no very few pictures of...Esmeralda. A bit soft this one.

Yesterday that flying weird contraption the Osprey did several laps above the harbour , making it easy for photographers everywhere. Or so one would think...but photographing the near black contraption against a white sky and you can see the difficulties...and besides that, yours truly has difficulty photographing anything that moves faster than a meandering squid, or even a meandering ship. Will have a look and if I got lucky we will get a picture or two or three up later. We have featured it previously if memory serves well.
Is it a bird?!
Is it a plane?!
Is it a helicopter?!
Is it a flying birdplane helicopter?...well ermm yes !
SmileySmiley PaulB.

Thursday, 18 February 2016 - 06:08
Post 2857
  Sea News, Dover
Extraordinary Ed - the number of cargo ships coming in now is absolutely great. Well done getting that pic.Smiley

Wednesday, 17 February 2016 - 08:44
Post 2856
  Ed Connell, Dover
Esmeralda at the DCT today.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016 - 08:02
Post 2855
  Sea News, Dover

Could our border move back from Calais to Dover?...asks Charlie Elphicke MP for Dover and Deal.

Could France ditch the Le Touquet treaty?

.....In other words could they move our border back to Dover from Calais? This question has been raised this week by the Prime Minister and matters greatly to the future of our community.

A decade ago our border was at Dover. This was a very difficult time for the town because migrants were able to get into Britain before they encountered effective border controls. Many migrants were housed in temporary accommodation in Dover.

This situation caused an incredible level of anger and frustration in the town. Across Britain concern rose - especially as there was a belief many migrants were making false asylum claims. The level of concern rose to such a pitch that the then Prime Minister Tony Blair was forced to take action.

First, migrants were provided with accommodation elsewhere in Britain. Secondly, an agreement was struck with France that the UK border should move to Calais. Juxtaposed controls were set up so that UK and French border posts were maintained at both Dover and Calais. This means that UK border officers are able to stop migrants at Calais and hand them over to the French authorities.

As a result most of the migrants seeking to get to the UK are struck in France. There they consort with people traffickers and scheme ways to break into Britain. In almost every case their designs are thwarted by eagle eyed border officers, vigilant ships that patrol the English Channel and a crack squad of highly trained dogs that sniff out people hiding in the fruit and veg.

France does not have the same approach as us for accommodating migrants. So the migrants live outside in whatever shelter they can obtain. Generally this means tents and bivouacs. The area they live in Calais is wooded and for this reason is known as "The Jungle".

I have always been a passionate defender of the juxtaposed controls. Having our border at Calais ensures that we do not have the problems in Dover we had over a decade ago. So I have been highly critical of those who seek to axe this treaty - particularly the Mayor of Calais and UKIP, who have been campaigning to bring our border back to Dover.

The Prime Minister this week said that if we left the EU the French may end the juxtaposed controls and move our border back to Dover. Now I have always been highly sceptical of the European project, but I have to say he has a point. If we left the EU what incentive would there then be for France to help us with border security? And wouldn't it be an easy way to rid Calais of The Jungle if the migrants were able to get into the UK?

Whatever happens I will always do my best to ensure that our border remains in Calais. The Le Touquet treaty has been really very positive for Dover. We need to keep the juxtaposed controls to maintain our border security and avoid going back to the bad old days of a decade ago.


Below...gloomy times in Calais.

* *
The sunrise over the Port of Dover yesterday morning Tuesday. Wow! is that a black cloud?...Smiley

Nice set of pictures below Sarah..well done with those. Great to see the boats zipping about in dazzling action there.Smiley


Wednesday, 17 February 2016 - 07:09
Post 2854
  Sarah, Ramsgate
Ramsgate Inshore Lifeboat going out on a rescue this afternoon.

The Pilot Boats were also busy.

Estuary Élan

Estuary Leader

Tuesday, 16 February 2016 - 17:24
Post 2853
  Sarah, Ramsgate
Great to see Valiant in your excellent photo Paul, Smiley not seen her in a while at Ramsgate.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016 - 09:04
Post 2852
  Sea News, Dover
The Border Force shown in fine hi-octane action above there. Yes its Valiant herself, powering back into harbour at around about 3pm yesterday afternoon...on a green and blue sea. The whole pic in fact looks a tad bilious green but we wont mention that! Below we see a model of the Comoros Stream which was on show at the Fruit Logistica Fair in Berlin a few days back. See also post 2396 for more detail. Pic sent over by BB of DHB. A beauty for sure.

Thanks Howard (re pic currently at top of page). Its a reasonable mid level Nikon compact camera but the lighting was just right for a fleeting moment. Weak sunlight on the white buildings with the menacing cold dark sky behind. The young boy just wheeled himself into shot by accident. But on the downside... there was an arctic breeze that would whip the skin off a rice puddin'...if one had a rice puddin' that is.

Thanks Sarah. Those Lifeboat guys make some great hi action images. You're a star yourself with those pictures of yours. Smiley
Good capture there of the Italia Reefer Ed...couldn't get a picture myself. Gosh its busy busy down there at the DCT. Smiley


Tuesday, 16 February 2016 - 07:29
Post 2851
  Howard McSweeney, dover
You must have done some work on that photo Paul or you have an incredible camera, all too clear for such dark skies.

Monday, 15 February 2016 - 22:08
Post 2850
  Sarah, Ramsgate
Loving your latest Dover Lifeboat photos Paul, you are a star. Smiley

Monday, 15 February 2016 - 18:01
Post 2849
  Ed Connell, Dover
Italia Reefer at the DCT today.

Monday, 15 February 2016 - 08:08
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