Thursday, 16 January 2025

Sea Pictures from Dover.

Sailing Ships just off Dover: Europa above and De Gallant below...

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Editor: Paul Boland -
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Post 2808
  Vic Matcham, Dover
Mike sir then you are right and I was wrong it was long before 2012 that I done that job.Well I am getting old nowSmileySmiley

Monday, 1 February 2016 - 07:29
Post 2807
  Mike J., Dover

Vic - I’m sure that you did a first-class welding job on the REIMERSWAAL but are you sure that it was the one in in Paul’s photo which only left the builder's yard in December 2012 ?

The same company had two other dredgers of the same name between 1980 & 2007 - maybe your 'customer' was one of those two ?

Monday, 1 February 2016 - 00:02
Post 2806
  Vic Matcham, Dover
yet again I took part in the Dover Pageants at times and great fun it was too. I liked to dress up and take part in things like that years ago.Smiley

Sunday, 31 January 2016 - 08:01
Post 2805
  Sea News, Dover
Is that right Vic - well I never.. its a small world!
She is certainly holding up well and looking good.
You did a great job.

Sunday, 31 January 2016 - 07:59
Post 2804
  Vic Matcham, Dover.
Some years ago the Reimerswaal had to pull into Folkestone for some welding repairs and I was the person who done the repairs at that time Smiley that welding must still be holding out then.Smiley

Sunday, 31 January 2016 - 07:57
Post 2803
  Sea News, Dover

We have had very stormy weather and very rough has been pretty tough for everybody for sure. I caught this small workboat blasting its way at speed through the turbulence a couple of days ago. It was being tossed about no end.. as it fought its way towards the harbour entrance. The workboat is called the Smit Cerne. All was okay...but look how rough it was. Holding the camera steady was tough in itself - but of course not on the same scale.

Celebrating Dover's Rich History - Dover Pageant Exhibition

Picture from the Dover Pageant of 1908 - copyright Dover Museum and Bronze Age Boat Gallery

Dover Museum is looking for items to help them tell the story of the Dover Pageant for a new exhibition opening in April.

The Museum is looking for interesting objects relating to the Dover Pageant that they can add to the exhibition. They are also looking for local people who have memories of taking part in the pageants, who would be willing to tell their stories in filmed interviews at the Museum during February.

For more information, or if you are able to help with lending items, or would like to be interviewed about your memories of the pageant, (please say which years you were involved), please contact Dover Museum at or call 01304 201066.



Sunday, 31 January 2016 - 07:55
Post 2802
  Sea News, Dover
The foretold march took place today as will have seen our earlier message from the Police ( post 2346 ) which was pinned to the top but has now slipped down the page as per usual. From my seafront location all seemed relatively peaceful on the hopefully it was that way elsewhere in the town too. Unfortunately though there was once again considerable disruption to traffic with both sides of the dual carriageway out of use....temporarily crippling access to the Port. Will have some pictures eventually...but bear with... bear with...
working through a backlog and pictures yet to be assessed.
EDIT: we have since learned of unsavoury yobbish behaviour throughout the town.
Will have the demo pictures on monday. PB.

This guy above, the Reimerswaal, is almost like a bit of an old friend to us we have featured the vessel before. I believe there are two pictures of her in yon search engine further up the page too. She gently rolled by on Thursday while there was a lull between aggravated weather...that Gertrude has a lot to answer for!! but we were glad of the lull ...gave us a chance to picture the dredger above.

The pic below is from an hour ago or so...its a definite old friend, yes its the Malo Seaways once more. She always looks spectacular coming through the raging seas, although they weren't quite raging today.

Well done Mike some excellent pictures below there...some crackers for sure.Smiley
Right in the thick of the Ramsgate action. Great collection. PB.

Saturday, 30 January 2016 - 16:15
Post 2801
  Mike J., Dover
Apologies - despite looking fine on 'preview' two of my Ramsgate photos failed to 'come up' with my post a few minutes ago -

Hopefully here they are now -

Sorry 'bout that !

Friday, 29 January 2016 - 22:56
Post 2800
  Mike J., Dover
A little late, but a few views of some of activity at Ramsgate on Tuesday morning,

The AUTOPREMIER came in with her second cargo of new cars in brisk southwesterlies & docked with the assistance of Holyhead Towing’s LLANDDWYN ISLAND.

The Dutch dredger JETSED backed out past the lighthouse & bobbed about in the lumpy water for a few minutes before apparently thinking better of it & returning to her berth.
No thing of beauty, the JETSED neither sucks nor grabs like the DAVID CHURCH or Ed’s recent Dunkirk dredger.
The JETSED has big pumps to disturb the silt or sediment which drifts away on the tide.
She has been clearing the turning circle & the former ferry berths, a good sign for future commercial traffic into Ramsgate.


Also three windfarm cats & two pilotboats on the move.

This little fellow, going out with the mooring gang for the AUTOPREMIER is the BUMBLE & if the less-than-sharp picture will show it, most of the crew can be seen wielding coffee mugs [I don’t have Paul’s knack of posting crisp photos].
The Cannon family have been closely associated with the harbour for generations & their workboats are always called BUMBLE.
Ian Cannon is the current coxswain of the Ramsgate lifeboat, succeeding his father in the post.


Friday, 29 January 2016 - 22:34
Post 2799
  Sea News, Dover

Its rough out there.... 50 mph gusts plus, and with of course obvious difficulties for the ferries.

Friday, 29 January 2016 - 16:12
Post 2798
  Sea News, Dover

Reprinted from our sister page

Planned demonstrations in Dover this Saturday

Kent Police has been made aware of a planned demonstration march in Dover tomorrow (Saturday 30 January 2016) that is likely to cause disruption in and around the town.

The march is expected to begin at Dover Priory railway station at 1pm before proceeding along Folkestone Road to York Street. It will then continue along Townwall Street to the Eastern Docks where a static protest will be held.

A second protest in opposition to the views of the first will be held at Market Square, Dover, from 11am.

It is anticipated that these demonstrations will attract larger numbers than recent protests and there will be extra police officers in the town whose main role will be to facilitate a peaceful protest, to maintain public safety and to minimise the impact on local people going about their daily business. There is likely to be disruption to local roads and access to parking while the procession passes through. Access to Dover seafront may also be restricted during the afternoon.

Some disruption to businesses in the area of the protests is also possible and advice leaflets have been distributed to relevant areas giving further information.


Friday, 29 January 2016 - 15:37
Post 2797
  Sea News, Dover
Mike mentions the Korsnesfisk in the post below and in mentioned previously she is Norwegian...and with a difficult nameSmiley!!
Here she is as mentioned yesterday both refuelling and departing...
Time of the refuelling picture is 07.27 was still quite dark as you can see by the glowing electric lights. The fuel tanker is on the dockside just above the vessel. Time of exit pictures is 07.53 as she departs on a silver sea heading for Vigo in Spain. Bet that's a rough trip as the shipping forecast paints a grim picture for any vessel going down through those seas at this time.

Friday, 29 January 2016 - 06:12
Post 2796
  Mike J., Dover
The KORSNESFISK sailed about 0800 Thursday after taking fuel from a road tanker on the Ad.Pier.

Not a lot of activity at high water on the Shakespeare Beach worksite as the LIAMARE unloaded ‘rock armour’ [boulders] on the Admiralty Pier & a well-loaded DAVID CHURCH headed out to the spoil grounds.

The AFON GOCH [Paul’s post 2323] who has been lying in the old Jetfoil terminal left port about 0600 & headed down past Dungeness to the Camber area.
She was back in Dover by 1800, tied up alongside the DAVID CHURCH.

On her way back to Dover the AFON GOCH passed close by the big car-carrier MICHIGAN HIGHWAY which has been anchored in Hythe Bay for at least a fortnight, reason unknown.

Photo Copyright Mike Woodland, courtesy of Dover Marina Facebook.

Thursday, 28 January 2016 - 22:10
Post 2795
  Sea News, Dover
Some shots here of P&O's freight only ferry the European Seaways battling home yesterday from Calais through very rough seas mid-morning, and it got even rougher a bit later on. There are some further pictures to assess in the camera, so we may have something further, but will just show these for the moment. Gosh it was rough and tough out there! Hats off and full marks to all those who regularly keep the Port running in these conditions...brilliant work indeed, and the same compliments to the seamen out there on the briny grim. Hardly surprising that the traffic built up once again with the TAP system in play and with Jubilee Way coming seawards a no-go area for local traffic.

Below you can see what the European Seaways looks like on a good day.Smiley

Well done Mike good shots below there. Good spot getting that Norwegian...

Thursday, 28 January 2016 - 06:58
Post 2794
  Mike J., Dover
On Tuesday evening the biggish Norwegian f/v KORSNESFISK came in & moored alongside the DAVID CHURCH, presumably in for shelter as her AIS gives her destination as Vigo, Spain.
She was still here Wednesday night.

The LIAMARE came in late Wednesday afternoon with her second stone cargo for the Shakespeare Beach job.

DHB certainly seem keen to hide their operations from the public !
They have installed more fencing at the base of the Prince of Wales Pier & around the new car park beyond the old lifeboat house.
I expect that ‘Health & Safety’ is the excuse, as it is for a lot of things these days, where what is really meant is security.

I hope that DHB will put up a frequently-updated website giving details of the works actually being carried out as there is a lot of public interest in the works & also to see whether the whole DWDR project will come off ‘as advertised’
[if some of us live that long !].

The lonely hovercraft memorial propeller standing in the wasteland of the old hoverport has gone & I understand has been resited inside Cruise-1.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016 - 20:59
Post 2793
  Sea News, Dover

Some fabulously exotic cruiser hardware nestling in the sanctity of inner harbour on Sunday morning. As you can see it was a foggy old morning but it all adds to the delightfully eerie mysterious mood... in the background you can just make out the sleeping tugs Doughty and Dauntless. It feels as though all the world is asleep.

* *

New tunnel proposed for Lower Thames crossing: 8 week consultation launches today
Highways England, Andrew Jones MP and Department for Transport
First published:
26 January 2016
Part of: Road network and traffic
Proposals for a new multi billion pound road link across the River Thames between Essex and Kent have been announced today.

The River Thames east of London
The new road will unlock massive economic benefits for the region and the whole country, relieve congestion at the existing Dartford Crossing and improve the resilience of the road network by providing a new alternative link across the Thames.
In 2013, two locations were shortlisted for a new bridge or tunnel across the river: one near the existing Dartford Crossing (known as Option A) and the other linking the M2 with the M25 via the A13 (known as Option C), with a possible further link to the M20 (Option C Variant).
Since then, Highways England has been carrying out detailed work with a wide range of stakeholders to assess the shortlisted options and develop possible routes at each location. This evaluation is now complete, and Highways England is recommending a new road crossing at location C through a bored tunnel....

Above we have a section of the Governments release yesterday and below a response from the PORT of DOVER.

26 January 2016


The Port of Dover welcomes today’s consultation announcement on the remaining option for a new Lower Thames Crossing. The Port hopes that this now paves the way for progress to be made on the delayed road scheme.

Tim Waggott, Chief Executive, Port of Dover, said:

"Alongside the need to increase productivity and deliver transformation of the Thames Gateway regeneration area, the Lower Thames Crossing must be seen as a strategic investment to improve the resilience of UK-European trade flows. Failure to invest will choke this crucial pan-European business corridor within which the ports of Dover, London and Medway along with Eurotunnel operate and this will damage UK plc.

"The Port of Dover continues to handle record volumes of freight vehicle traffic with strong projected growth and no substitutable capacity elsewhere. The existing Dartford crossings are already a major bottleneck, operating at over capacity and acting as a break on national productivity."

Delivery of the Lower Thames Crossing will be crucial as the nation seeks to build upon the success of the Southern powerhouse and support the building of the Northern and Midlands powerhouses, ensuring timely delivery of materials to and from the Continent. Half of the freight vehicle traffic passing through the Port of Dover is coming from or going to beyond London to the Midlands and North.

Mr Waggott added:

"The Port of Dover is investing in infrastructure for the long term. We need the Government to do the same by following through with a firm strategic decision to be the builders of prosperity up and down the country through delivery of a new Lower Thames Crossing."


* * * *

As we are with a picture of the old lifeboat William and Kate Johnston while she was over at Ramsgate. A nice picture in a nice location on a glorious day in September 2014, remember them, glorious days I mean, as one writes in the midst of a howling gale and driving rain. Sarah has further pictures below in post 2338. Thanks for those once again Sarah.
PS: the last Lifeboat for the moment.

Well done with all the recent pictures from Dunkerque Ed...and good that you got the Magellan Strait in the shot below. The cargo business has upped recently so its good to keep tabs on it. Haven't been able to get recent pix myself. The Magellan Strait...well she left in the dead of a rough night. PB.


Wednesday, 27 January 2016 - 06:14
Post 2792
  Ed Connell, Dover
Magellan Strait at the DCT this evening.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016 - 18:43
Post 2791
  Ed Connell, Dover
Yet another dredger has commenced work in Dunkerque West. This is the backhoe dredger Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016 - 12:37
Post 2790
  Sarah, Ramsgate
Thanks again Paul for further great photos of Dover Lifeboat. Smiley

In July 2014 we had two ex lifeboats visit Ramsgate plus we had a relief lifeboat on duty that now has been sold out of service.

Deneys Reitz - The old Fowey Lifeboat - Watson Class Lifeboat. Privately owned, hopefully she will visit Ramsgate again.

William & Kate Johnston - The old New Brighton Lifeboat - Barnett Class Lifeboat, A familiar sight in Dover but seen here in the outer harbour not its familiar inner harbour berth.

Peggy & Alex Caird - The old Bridlington Lifeboat - Mersey Class Lifeboat, seen here on relief at Ramsgate now working out of Yarmouth Harbour in the Isle of Wight for a trip company that does boat trips to the Needles. It is now painted grey where it was painted orange in her RNLI days.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016 - 11:27
Post 2789
  Sea News, Dover
Here we are with more on the Sunday morning exploits of the DOVER LIFEBOAT see also 2332.

Another brace of pictures again above there from sunday morning when I was lucky enough to see the guys in blistering action. Always great to see them and to come across it all by accident was quite a bonus. it was all a tad hampered by fog and drizzle but what can ye dooo other than snap away. It all happened so fast yours truly hadn't time to cross from the other side of the road. I had the following email from Jon Miell and he describes it better than me...

Good morning, lovely pictures from yesterday. It being foggy we had a close to port exercise in blind close quarters navigation using RADAR to make our way round to the outer harbour. There we ran the Y boat up for a little beaching practise before returning to our berth for a little TLC.

Any chance you could send the pictures full file for my records.

Best regards
Jon Miell 2nd Coxswain


Jon if you are looking in I sent you over 2 large pictures later yesterday...I hope you received them alright. Sometimes when yours truly sends large pictures they find their way into the outer reaches of the galaxy somewhere ..never to be seen again. But hopefully better luck this time.

Below we have some thrilled passers-by enjoying the spectacle. It all added extra exhilaration and spice to the sunday stroll with dog or wife.

Yes indeed Colette some terrific pictures there from our ace 'roving correspondent' Sarah H. Brilliant work Sarah! Great to see the lifeboat scything through the water like that...wowser!

Colette refers to the quote re posts 2322/ relation to the picture at top of page
"a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" that's where it all comes from. No surprise that it was adopted as a feminist slogan.
Once again no further comment on that one from me...steering clear.
However if one wanted to be rakish one could say that the opposite applies also...
but I wouldn't dare think like that - nosiree bob!

Ah I see re U2 ...U2, another fine Irish exportSmiley PaulB.
Ps: There is a nice picture of the old favourite lifeboat William and Kate Johnston taken at Ramsgate in our files...will get that up in the next day or so all being well. I think it dates from 2014...the picture that is.

Also just to let cargo fans know...there has been a steady stream of cargo ships/reefers in the port over the past few days... keeping up the continued excellent trading here...the Elsebeth, Atlantic Reefer, and now today the Magellan Strait have all been in during the past few days. We will get more pictures of these in due course. Short days are against us at the moment.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016 - 06:54
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