Monday, 13 January 2025

Sea Pictures from Dover.

Sailing Ships just off Dover: Europa above and De Gallant below...

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Post 2408
  Ed Connell, Dover
Elsebeth at the DCT today, moving around in the heavy swell.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 - 13:23
Post 2407
  brian, dover
fly past that is,.and we are lucky we have two [2] sets of planes to look out for.Smiley

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 - 13:19
Post 2406
  brian, dover
and don't forget the battle of Britain this afternoon,new take of time 1400 this afternoon.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 - 13:17
Post 2405
  Sea News, Dover
We seem to be in a rough oul spell weatherwise and its not getting better anytime soon. These pictures are from various times yesterday..when we had everything but the kitchen sink thrown at us. Strong gale force winds, heavy monsoon rains...sunshine and even rainbows...well its all here.

Top shot shows the Delft Seaways in high seas action. Then the Spirit of Britain...and of course the rainbow.
Yes Vic its great to see those fine ferries coming back into the game. Huge well done with those pictures Ed and great information too.
This question was asked yesterday...will the famous names remain..Berlioz and Rodin ??
Yes Jan - fab to see that funding coming through from the EU. Calais and Dover benefitting strongly.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 - 06:59
Post 2404
  Vic Matcham, Dover
Great to see the two ships getting back to what they where build for, lets hope we are seeing a end to all this in fighting with their crews and their own Government.Smiley

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 - 03:24
Post 2403
  Ed Connell, Dover
Tugs Thorax and Triton returned to Calais after delivering the Rodin and towed the Berlioz next. Seen here in the Dunkerque fairway this morning.

Monday, 14 September 2015 - 10:40
Post 2402
  JanT, Dover

Good news indeed with the Port of Dover being a vital link into Europe, let's not forget if we were outside of it such funding might not and would not be on the table. I for one would not like to see us side lined, we have to look to the future and we understand some would not agree but times change, and things move quickly, let's not get left behind.

Monday, 14 September 2015 - 09:16
Post 2401
  Sea News, Dover

EU Pumps Millions into Crucial Sea Route SmileySmiley

A crucial sea crossing linking the UK to mainland Europe has been given a €143million (£104million) cash injection as its importance to EU trade and transport continues to grow.

The €130billion (£100billion) a year route through Dover and Calais is so vital to the EU economy, the European Commission has announced funding to support major improvement projects on both sides of the Channel. The UK’s slice of the investment will be ploughed into the Dover Western Docks Revival project, which is improving the efficiency of the ferry terminal as well as developing a logistics hub within the port.

In France, the cash will be used to bring forward the Calais Port 2015 project - a scheme to build a new harbour, terminal and berths to accommodate the bigger ferries and provide port capacity for future growth.

The two ports - which run the only identified core seaway connecting the UK with the rest of mainland Europe on the Trans-European Transport Network – have been working together to prepare for the growth in trade. The improvements are part of the BRIDGE (Building the Resilience of International and Dependent Gateways in Europe) project.

In the past two years, ferry freight traffic through Dover and Calais has increased by 20 per cent. And that’s expected to rise by a further 40 per cent by 2030.

The latest award comes on top of an earlier EU grant of €14million (£10.2million) in 2014.
Tim Waggott, the Port of Dover’s chief executive, said: "This funding shows how hard we are working on a number of levels to bring investment into Dover and to address the challenges of a growing EU trade route on our community.

"It also reflects the importance to the UK, France and Europe of the Dover Western Docks Revival for both national and European economies.Both Dover and Calais will use this money to ensure traffic passes through our ports smoothly and efficiently both now and in the future."

Jean-Marc Puissesseau, president of the Port of Boulogne-Calais, said: "We thank the European Union for its support of the Calais-Dover maritime link. The EU is fully playing its role in ensuring that critical infrastructures are updated to face future challenges.

"Thanks to this support, projects such as Calais Port 2015 and the Dover Western Docks Revival will become a reality and will contribute directly towards the greater and more effective European integration we are looking for."

Daniel Percheron, president, Regional Council, Nord Pas de Calais, said: "This European funding is really good news for Calais, for the Region Nord Pas de Calais, and for France and Europe. The Calais Port 2015 project will greatly contribute to strengthening the link between Dover and Calais and is necessary for the port to meet the growing traffic expected in coming years.

"It will also create more than 2,000 jobs during the construction period and hundreds more will result in the long term. Calais Port 2015 will help enable the Region Nord Pas de Calais to become one of the main logistics platforms of Northern Europe."

Brian Simpson, European coordinator, Motorways of the Sea, said:
"I am delighted the Motorways of the Seas project is contributing towards the regeneration of Dover Western Docks. I think it will bring about a new chance for Dover and also enable the port to go into the next decade confident that business will grow and that it will keep on being the success story it has been so far. And I am happy that we are contributing and being a part of that success story."



Excellent news above. Very welcome by one and all.

Cracking set of pictures below Ed. Delighted to see all of them and it is great to note that things are on the move towards a new future.
It will be marvellous to see Rodin and Berlioz back in action in due course.
Also note the Demo pictures in post 1943.

Monday, 14 September 2015 - 08:41
Post 2400
  Ed Connell, Dover
Quelle surprise! The first thing I see this morning is the Rodin laid up alongside the Quai de Lorraine in Dunkerque West.

Monday, 14 September 2015 - 07:24
Post 2399
  vic matcham, Dover
When I was a lad ferry refits were done in Dover thanks again for the photos.Smiley

Monday, 14 September 2015 - 07:05
Post 2398
  Ed Connell, Dover
Rodin this evening on her way round from Calais to refit in Dunkerque under tow by the tugs Thorax and Triton, as seen from Delft Seaways.

Sunday, 13 September 2015 - 21:57
Post 2397
  Ed Connell, Dover
Schweiz Reefer in the drizzle this afternoon.

Sunday, 13 September 2015 - 18:54
Post 2396
  Sea News, Dover

This nice pic is by SARAH HEWES once again and shows Braemar resting at Terminal 2 yesterday afternoon. The picture was taken from Western Heights while Sarah was at the Open Day up there. All guns were a-blazin up there on the Heights...could hear them from afar, rattling the bone china.

Sunday, 13 September 2015 - 17:26
Post 2395
  Sea News, Dover

I debated with myself whether to include those pictures above or not but as it effects our port and the people using it...well..what can you do. This demo blocked both sides of the carriageway as you can see, blocking one of the nations main arteries completely. All traffic stopped dead. We all have a right to demonstrate but cant it be done in a location that doesn't block the road carrying £100 billion of annual EU/UK Trade. The message isn't clear either as to why they are demonstrating...but apart from the sinister looking flags, what is the message?... the message appears to be requesting us to leave the EU. Would this kind of aggressive demonstration convince anybody to leave the EU...not me that's for sure. PB.

Sunday, 13 September 2015 - 07:16
Post 2394
  Sea News, Dover
Good to see those pix Ed. I am delighted to say that I also have a picture of the Ile D'aix...took it while waiting for the ferry at Calais last year. Its not a particularly good one but here she is anyway. PaulB.

Sunday, 13 September 2015 - 07:13
Post 2393
  Ed Connell, Dover
French cableship Ile d'Aix anchored off Calais this afternoon.

Chinese heavy lift ship Kang Sheng Kou proceeding up the Northeast lane this afternoon with a relatively modest load for one of these ships.

Saturday, 12 September 2015 - 19:01
Post 2392
  Sea News, Dover

Calling all Volunteers for the Shakespeare Beach Clean

Organisations behind a major operation to assess the levels of litter washed ashore by tides and currents are calling for Dover volunteers.

The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership, with support and funding from the Port of Dover, is running a marine litter survey and clean-up at Shakespeare Beach on Sunday, September 20, as part of the Marine Conservation Society's (MCS) national Great British Beach Clean.

Findings from the survey will be added to data from hundreds of others – taking place across the country during the same weekend. This information will then be used by the MCS to target and tackle the main sources of litter at both national and international levels.

Last year’s Great British Beach Clean had 77 volunteers cleaning Dover’s beach, where an impressive 248kg of rubbish, containing 9,308 separate items of litter - mainly plastics - were removed as part of the national campaign.

This year, volunteers are being asked to head to Shakespeare Beach between 10am and 1pm, meeting at the gate off Lord Warden Square.

Vicki Jago, the Port of Dover’s environmental manager, said:

"The beach clean is a good fun event for all the family. Even if you can spare just a couple of hours, please come and make our beach a more enjoyable habitat not only for ourselves but also for our wildlife. It is a great way to work up an appetite for your Sunday lunch and trophies will be awarded for the most litter picked and the most unusual piece of litter found.

"Litter pickers, bags and gloves will be available on the day, but if you have your own set of gardening gloves they would be useful.

"We look forward to seeing you and thank you for your support."


Friday, 11 September 2015 - 16:21
Post 2391
  Sea News, Dover

A couple of pictures here from both ends of the day yesterday. Was glad Kevin got those early pictures of the magnificent Costa Pacifica...was hoping to get a solid pic of the giant ship leaving last night but it was just too dark. Just to say was another spectacular departure in a blaze of fabulous light. It took both tugboats a long time to get her up and running and then the giant liner moved slowly across the harbour right here in front of everyone and left through the eastern exit. She eventually turned around in the open sea and headed south and off to Cherbourg. It's all happening in Cherbourg these days!

The top picture here was taken at dawn yesterday and you can see the Saga Sapphire approaching through the early gloom. The picture below of Costa Pacifica was taken as the light began to fade last evening.

Very good wishes to the team from the Port at the international seatrade fair in Hamburg. Lets hope they 'bring home lots of bacon'...
Good stuff below ladsSmiley

Friday, 11 September 2015 - 07:29
Post 2390
  Ed Connell, Dover
City of Hamburg passing Dover this lunchtime carrying aircraft sections for Airbus.

Thursday, 10 September 2015 - 13:07
Post 2389
  Kevin Charles, Dover
Costa Pacifica and Saga Sapphire make a fine sight in Dover today. The team from the port are in Hamburg this week promoting Dover to the cruise trade so hopefully we'll see more like this!

Thursday, 10 September 2015 - 13:05
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