Sunday, 12 January 2025
Sea Pictures from Dover.
Sailing Ships just off Dover: Europa above and De Gallant below...
We have 340 plus pages below now...use our own SEARCH ENGINE just below to help you trawl through. All pictures are the copyright of the owners.
Editor: Paul Boland -
Sea Pictures from Dover.
Sailing Ships just off Dover: Europa above and De Gallant below...
We have 340 plus pages below now...use our own SEARCH ENGINE just below to help you trawl through. All pictures are the copyright of the owners.
Editor: Paul Boland -
Post 2002
Sea News, Dover
Before the weather deteriorated...
Yes before the weather turned dismally abysmal this was the super colourful scene early, very early, this morning thursday as the magnificent MSC Sinfonia arrived to spend some time with us here in the Port of Dover. The time of pictures .. about 5.30am. Terrific to see the MSC ships with us as ever and always very welcome they are too...We appear to be enjoying steady driving rain more or less since then so the chance of any further pictures is slipping slowly away on the ebb tide....
For details of further upcoming cruise visits see post 1550. We have had some great ships here already this year and there are more to come.
Great stuff Port of Dover.
Thursday, 14 May 2015 - 16:05
Yes before the weather turned dismally abysmal this was the super colourful scene early, very early, this morning thursday as the magnificent MSC Sinfonia arrived to spend some time with us here in the Port of Dover. The time of pictures .. about 5.30am. Terrific to see the MSC ships with us as ever and always very welcome they are too...We appear to be enjoying steady driving rain more or less since then so the chance of any further pictures is slipping slowly away on the ebb tide....
For details of further upcoming cruise visits see post 1550. We have had some great ships here already this year and there are more to come.
Great stuff Port of Dover.
Thursday, 14 May 2015 - 16:05
Post 2001
Sea News, Dover
The Berlioz departing for Calais yesterday about 5pm...under a bit of a dark cloud, a dark cloud of its own making. Oh dear! something's amiss.
In the foreground you can see the Pride of Kent reversing in to Dover 8.
On a cheerier note. The beautiful MSC Sinfonia is in today. Fab!..worth popping down to see for sure. Pictures in due course. See also 1550.
Thursday, 14 May 2015 - 06:11
Post 2000
Sea News, Dover
The Port of Dover has been on the search for the latest local addition to the team of young people being nurtured and supported in a port-related career at Dover.
Combining the exciting operations of Europe’s busiest ferry port with the potential experience of being involved in one the of the biggest development projects in the South East, Dover Western Docks Revival, it is an exciting time to join the Port of Dover team.
Following a formal selection process, the Port is delighted to award this year’s bursary to Owen Hayward. Forming part of the Port’s wider Youth Engagement Scheme (YES), the bursary scheme aims to encourage local students to take up study at university in a port-related field with a long term view of ensuring that the future success of the Port is driven by local people. The Port also provides the students with paid work placements during or following the period of their study of up to one year.
Tim Waggott, Chief Executive for the Port of Dover says:
"I am delighted to award Owen his bursary, another sign of the Port’s commitment to giving young people the tools for future success here in Dover. The scheme is bringing the Port and its community closer in developing a shared understanding of the Port, what it does and its place within Dover as a major employer now and in the future. The aim is to serve the Port’s customers in the years to come through young local people delivering excellent customer service in their chosen profession."
Owen, born in Dover, lives in Deal and attends Sir Roger Manwood’s School in Sandwich where he is currently in his final year studying ‘A’ level Maths, Business Studies and Geography. Owen will then go on to study a BSc in Accounting & Finance at the University of Sussex.
Owen Hayward says:
"I feel extremely proud for having been given the opportunity by the Port of Dover. To get such support from a local business to develop my skills and to have the chance to experience life at the Port and share in its exciting future plans is fantastic."
Picture above: Tim Waggott, Chief Executive, Owen Hayward, and Anita Wilson, General Manager Corporate Administration (left to right).
Further addition to the picture in the post below. AIDA Sol with Tug Doughty.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015 - 07:00
Post 1999
Sea News, Dover
Caught this picture through the misty morning this very morn...tugboat Doughty doing its thing manoeuvring the magnificent AIDA Sol into position. Time about 6.30am. Following last nights thick fog, complete with the banshee-like sirens wailing mournfully across the water, we were glad to be able to see anything at all today.... all was well.
See also post below with notes for this weekends diary etc. etc.
Tuesday, 12 May 2015 - 15:40
Post 1998
Sea News, Dover
Our old friend the Berlioz is puffing out much smoke lately and its not just at start up either. Not sure why...have they changed fuel or something?
or is it a consequence of new regulations... And she is doing so right now too as she is arriving in harbour as I write. Baffling!
These pictures recent...
Cracking little picture below there of the Malo Seaways from Samphire Hoe Phil.. well done with that one. Hopefully Phil you will have enjoyed my meagre spartan efforts at wildlife capture !
Well done getting it up Howard as ever.
Great list again Colette in 1550. Some fab ships due in at the Port of Dover. We are all poised to pounce with the Box Brownies !
two reminders for the diary for this weekend.
MARINA OPEN DAY at Crosswall Quay ( where the Lifeboat is ) 10 until 5 this coming Saturday...see 1535.
And the P&O CHOIR are performing in NOTRE DAME Calais on sunday. Brilliant....see 1505.
AIDA Sol in with us again today.
Tuesday, 12 May 2015 - 06:34
or is it a consequence of new regulations... And she is doing so right now too as she is arriving in harbour as I write. Baffling!
These pictures recent...
Cracking little picture below there of the Malo Seaways from Samphire Hoe Phil.. well done with that one. Hopefully Phil you will have enjoyed my meagre spartan efforts at wildlife capture !
Well done getting it up Howard as ever.
Great list again Colette in 1550. Some fab ships due in at the Port of Dover. We are all poised to pounce with the Box Brownies !
two reminders for the diary for this weekend.
MARINA OPEN DAY at Crosswall Quay ( where the Lifeboat is ) 10 until 5 this coming Saturday...see 1535.
And the P&O CHOIR are performing in NOTRE DAME Calais on sunday. Brilliant....see 1505.
AIDA Sol in with us again today.
Tuesday, 12 May 2015 - 06:34
Post 1997
Howard, Dover
The Malo Seaways taken from Samphire Hoe by Phil Smith.
Monday, 11 May 2015 - 18:09
Monday, 11 May 2015 - 18:09
Post 1996
ColetteB, Dover
Great photos there over the last few days
And now for some more cruise ships
Tomorrow Tuesday 12th May, the AIDASol is back with us again at CT2, POC.
Then on Thursday 14th May we have a treat in store when the MSC Sinfonia arrives at CT2, TR & POC
Two cruise ships on Saturday 16th May, the AIDASol arrives again at CT2, POC & the Boudicca is back at CT1, TR. One of her many POC's is the glamorous Cannes, her visit coinciding with the world renowned film festival, now that I can do!
Then the week begins with Two Costa Cruises
On Monday 18th May, the elegant Costa NeoRomantica cruises into CT2, POC, she was here in September last year.
The following day Tuesday 19th MAY the fabulous, 'surrounded by magic' Costa Favolosa arrives at CT2, POC. Apparently its soaring gothic- style spaces welcome guests to an atrium enriched with sparkling diamond shaped decorations. Its likened to an enchanted fairytale castle!! Cameras at the ready Guys
Also on Tuesday the MV Empress arrives at CT1, POC. She was here in September last year.
Wednesday 20th May sees the AIDASol back here at CT2, POC.
That's it for now folks
Monday, 11 May 2015 - 16:41
Post 1995
Sea News, Dover
The attractive specialist FRAM visited us again yesterday sunday and the pictures above ahow her arriving in the early grey morn. Fascinating vessel...more on the ship further down the page and over the page... or to shortcut the scrolling just type the name of vessel in the search engine box.
The picture below is another shot of the Braemar arrivng mid afternoon Saturday...this time without being photobombed by George !!
The sea was green but probably not quite that green. To go Political for the moment, I feel the ould camera has probably joined the Greens. Thousands have it seems, but not to too much effect at the general election. I will adjust its knobs and dials and if that doesn't work.. there is always the hammer !!
Glad you are still enjoying the Sea News're always welcome.
Brian rascal you.
Monday, 11 May 2015 - 06:38
Post 1994
vic matcham, dover
Some great photos coming out each day for the Royal Port of Dover and some of the great ships that use it 24/7 thank you.
Sunday, 10 May 2015 - 20:43
Sunday, 10 May 2015 - 20:43
Post 1993
brian, dover
yeah George gets every where, talk about photo
Sunday, 10 May 2015 - 16:56
Sunday, 10 May 2015 - 16:56
Post 1992
Sea News, Dover
Hi Jacqui glad you like the plane. yes its always a bit of a treat if you can get a plane and the ship together at the same time. From my angle its not always that easy but worked reasonably well this time. As for a new camera...well what can we say, I'm also needing new cameras now too. Ah sure you could safely say equipment is not what it was...
But we had another exciting day yesterday with another two cruise ships in together. Dover is doing well. This time it was Fred Olsen day with both the Boudicca and the Braemar in Port. The Braemar came in late in the day, probably around 3.30 or so and yours truly was on the seafront fighting manfully against the blustery breeze in order to bring this image. My model friend the seagull dutifully obliged and flew into shot but of course at great expense..
The arctic explorer Fram is due back with us today we understand.. if anyone wants to take a look or a snap. Exciting times.
Sunday, 10 May 2015 - 07:01
But we had another exciting day yesterday with another two cruise ships in together. Dover is doing well. This time it was Fred Olsen day with both the Boudicca and the Braemar in Port. The Braemar came in late in the day, probably around 3.30 or so and yours truly was on the seafront fighting manfully against the blustery breeze in order to bring this image. My model friend the seagull dutifully obliged and flew into shot but of course at great expense..
The arctic explorer Fram is due back with us today we understand.. if anyone wants to take a look or a snap. Exciting times.
Sunday, 10 May 2015 - 07:01
Post 1991
Jacqui, Dover
Oh nice one Paul - I knew you'd get one of the plane! I got a couple from the Battery but they weren't good enough to post. I need a new camera
Saturday, 9 May 2015 - 20:53
Saturday, 9 May 2015 - 20:53
Post 1990
Sea News, Dover
The picture above shows the magnificent Norwegian Star moving away from us yesterday evening Friday around 7.30pm...with sights set on Amsterdam. In the distance you can see another cruise ship, the Azura, this one heading for Southampton. The weather was deteriorating quickly at the time and the light was fading fast....rain imminent. We were glad to have finally got a reasonable image. The picture below is a snatched shot, very quick, taken earlier just as a C130 Hercules went over. That's the top part of the Norwegian Star again.
Saturday, 9 May 2015 - 17:11
Saturday, 9 May 2015 - 17:11
Post 1989
Sea News, Dover
The super AIDA Sol gliding effortlessly across the harbour early Friday morning in benign soft conditions. The weather was a total contrast to the fierce rabid conditions we experienced earlier in the week. What was it Mendelssohn said....A calm sea and a prosperous voyage... and there we have it.
All three pictures are of the AIDA Sol arriving yesterday morning Friday in glorious weather as you can see and as always very welcome she was too. She left last night at 8pm in gloomy driving rain for Germany ( The Elbe )... The English weather...sheesh! An hour or so earlier the Norwegian Star left for Amsterdam..picture later. We had two huge strikingly gorgeous ships yesterday and so 'twas a great Port day and great for the town too as many passengers strolled in and enjoyed it all. Two further cruise ships due today...the Boudicca and the Braemar, see also 1536.
New traffic management measures show their worth
Powerful winds and operational issues affecting Eurotunnel failed to cause the extent of traffic challenges in Dover that have previously been seen when such issues combine as the new traffic management measures currently being assessed showed their worth.
The Port utilised the full extent of the new traffic management measures on the A20 between Dover and Folkestone, preventing several miles of freight vehicles from creating gridlock in Dover.
The heavy seas caused longer berthing times for ferries that required the assistance of the Port’s trusted tugs to help them safely berth. The perfect storm of exceptionally high May winds plus operational issues at Eurotunnel resulted in a very unusual situation for the time of year.
Tim Waggott, Chief Executive, Port of Dover, thinks 6th May was a freak combination of events but also shows the value of the new traffic measures.
"This is the second time this year we have had to deal with the fallout from operational problems with Eurotunnel but since the new traffic management measures were instigated by Highways England in partnership with the Port of Dover, Dover District Council, Kent Police and our community, it has proved decisive in helping to keep the town clear of queuing freight vehicles.
"The new measures were tested to the limit with high traffic volumes combining with freak weather and operational problems at Eurotunnel.
"Despite some early teething issues, our community has said to us that the new measures are keeping Dover clear. Yesterday was challenging, but we have already seen the benefits of working together on traffic solutions. The abnormal pressures put on the new system during what was an unusual situation have really highlighted its worth in helping to keep Dover, the Port and the UK economy moving."
To see that freak weather Tim Waggott is talking about you just need to look further down the page...wowser!!
Saturday, 9 May 2015 - 06:45
The super AIDA Sol gliding effortlessly across the harbour early Friday morning in benign soft conditions. The weather was a total contrast to the fierce rabid conditions we experienced earlier in the week. What was it Mendelssohn said....A calm sea and a prosperous voyage... and there we have it.
All three pictures are of the AIDA Sol arriving yesterday morning Friday in glorious weather as you can see and as always very welcome she was too. She left last night at 8pm in gloomy driving rain for Germany ( The Elbe )... The English weather...sheesh! An hour or so earlier the Norwegian Star left for Amsterdam..picture later. We had two huge strikingly gorgeous ships yesterday and so 'twas a great Port day and great for the town too as many passengers strolled in and enjoyed it all. Two further cruise ships due today...the Boudicca and the Braemar, see also 1536.
New traffic management measures show their worth
Powerful winds and operational issues affecting Eurotunnel failed to cause the extent of traffic challenges in Dover that have previously been seen when such issues combine as the new traffic management measures currently being assessed showed their worth.
The Port utilised the full extent of the new traffic management measures on the A20 between Dover and Folkestone, preventing several miles of freight vehicles from creating gridlock in Dover.
The heavy seas caused longer berthing times for ferries that required the assistance of the Port’s trusted tugs to help them safely berth. The perfect storm of exceptionally high May winds plus operational issues at Eurotunnel resulted in a very unusual situation for the time of year.
Tim Waggott, Chief Executive, Port of Dover, thinks 6th May was a freak combination of events but also shows the value of the new traffic measures.
"This is the second time this year we have had to deal with the fallout from operational problems with Eurotunnel but since the new traffic management measures were instigated by Highways England in partnership with the Port of Dover, Dover District Council, Kent Police and our community, it has proved decisive in helping to keep the town clear of queuing freight vehicles.
"The new measures were tested to the limit with high traffic volumes combining with freak weather and operational problems at Eurotunnel.
"Despite some early teething issues, our community has said to us that the new measures are keeping Dover clear. Yesterday was challenging, but we have already seen the benefits of working together on traffic solutions. The abnormal pressures put on the new system during what was an unusual situation have really highlighted its worth in helping to keep Dover, the Port and the UK economy moving."
To see that freak weather Tim Waggott is talking about you just need to look further down the page...wowser!!
Saturday, 9 May 2015 - 06:45
Post 1988
Sea News, Dover
Political Count: In the wee small hours of the morning the count went on. Yes it was Cruise Terminal Two rather than the Town Hall this time....and here it is in the dead of night across the water. On the Politics side there was much change throughout the nation, many skittles falling, but essentially the status quo remains. The Conservatives are back in power with a majority, no need for coalition of any kind, and Charlie Elphicke remains the local MP here in Dover. Oblivious to it all in the foreground the Coastal Explorer works on through the dark night...
Will have pictures of todays ships to follow in due course...bear with!
Friday, 8 May 2015 - 16:54
Post 1987
Sea News, Dover
Workshop shows Port and community pulling in same direction
The Port of Dover has hosted the most positive community workshop yet regarding its flagship Dover Western Docks Revival (DWDR) project.
Reflecting how the Port and its community are pulling in the same direction, the well-attended event focused on how the community wants to see Dover as a magnet for investment and how the Port can support that vision by attracting inward investment through DWDR.
In a positively charged room, the Port was delighted to welcome many new faces, showing how the project is gaining interest and momentum.
Tim Waggott, Chief Executive, Port of Dover, said:
"We are starting to see people come towards us as a positive force for investment, regeneration and job creation in Dover. The message is out that we are delivering for Dover and our shared vision is one that is going to become a reality.
"The Port is becoming a magnet, drawing its community towards it as we work to create the Port of the future that in turn will help support the regeneration of Dover. Our shared belief and desire to succeed is becoming a reality alongside the delivery of the project itself. A great message for Dover!"
The next opportunity to share in the vision and progress being made on DWDR will be on Monday 18th May at the Port’s public Annual Consultative Meeting being held at Cruise Terminal 1. Doors open at 5pm.
TODAY FRIDAY: The fabulously exotic Norwegian Star is in Port today and also approaching as I write...the AIDA Sol... all very glamourous for sure. A great day for the Port of Dover. Definitely worth popping down to the harbour today to see it all ...bring your camera. See also 1536.
Here below we have a couple of pictures of the Artania from yesterday. The weather was a lot calmer, we wouldn't say tranquil but better than it has been recently...and with some sunshine.
Bit of a watery image above as she arrived early. The picture below is from later in the day as she languished over on Cruise Terminal One.
Good to hear from you Del all the way up there in Norfolk.
Glad you are enjoying the output everyday. Lots more to come. Excellent.
Friday, 8 May 2015 - 06:51
Post 1986
del styan, norwich (
I look at your website every night, and marvel at your photos, taken from I guess, the blocks of flats overlooking the Eastern Docks. Keep up the good work, I love looking at the pics of the ferries keeping going through all sorts of weather.
Friday, 8 May 2015 - 00:20
Friday, 8 May 2015 - 00:20
Post 1985
Sea News, Dover
Well it has been very rough indeed, a bit of a surprise for May. But the Severe Gale 9 whipping up the channel in fierce mode yesterday Wednesday made it a very tough day for both passengers and crews. The tugboats were called into heavy action on something near an industrial scale, if I can put it that way, the work was ongoing and non-stop. Top shot shows Doughty waiting to help pull/extract another ship from its pier. But you can see the rough/tough conditions as in the background the rampant ocean powers over the sea wall.
The second picture shows the in-close operation as teammate Dauntless slowly backs the Delft Seaways into berth...while the Spirit of France watches on. The extra picture below was taken earlier the same day over longer range and you can see the situation. PB.
EXTRA: In calmer conditions as we write, the Artania cruise ship is gliding across harbour...see also the listing in 1536.
Thursday, 7 May 2015 - 06:30
Post 1984
Sea News, Dover
Oh dear! that's a bit rough....
The Malo Seaways in lunchtime action.... makes a chap feel good to be on terra firma today.
Its rough and tough out there. Delays expected.
Wednesday, 6 May 2015 - 14:44
Post 1983
Sea News, Dover
Yesterday saw us hit by some very rough weather indeed. The pictures above were all taken yesterday from morning until late afternoon. The light changed somewhat as we went through the day, as did the colour of the sea, but the strength of the wind was something else...quite a shock for this time of year.
The top shot shows the Berlioz beginning her journey to Calais and wow was it rough. The sea was an extraordinary silver green.
The second picture shows the ferries approaching harbour later in the day and as you can see it is no less rough.
Third picture down shows the tugboat Dauntless waiting to help with the docking while in the background the Malo Seaways and the old warhorse Nord pas de Calais battle their way across with some gusto and determination. Lets be clear..The crews are brilliant.
Fourth picture...well yours truly couldn't hold the camera steady for this one. The horrendous wind whipping and powering across the harbour from west to east was beating me about the head! The pic is blurred as you can see but thought it worth including just to show some of the conditions the crews endure. I couldn't get the name of the boat as she moved across the harbour but hopefully some will know.
Well done Colette with those cruise visits below...plenty to look forward to there in the next few days.
Wednesday, 6 May 2015 - 06:20